
Guide and passage on Red Faction: Guerrilla

We came in peace. Resistance is useless.

It was never easy on Mars. People sought here in search of a new, better life, but gained only pain and suffering. At first, the blow was struck by the Ultor Corporation, then, stealthily, – the Earth's Defense Union (Soz). No one suspected that earthlings would seize power on the planet and introduce a new, even more stringent regime. But what could they do when the resources of the sixth planet were exhausted? Campaign posters and radio broadcasts, constant patrols on the roads, regular searches of houses and endless baseless arrests – democracy, and only.

There were those who decided to challenge the Soz. A handful of people who refused to obey the authorities united in a powerful underground organization, which was called a red brigade. Soon, a partisan war began on Mars. Earthlings had high technologies, modern vehicles and trained soldiers at the disposal. Undergrounds have folk support, will to win and the ability to hide.

The situation seemed obvious. In any case, until someone named Alek Mason entered the ranks of the Red Brigade. It’s not that an engineer who flew from the ground was eager to help terrorists outlawed – they simply left him no choice. Not even a day had passed when his brother was killed by the soldiers of the Soz, and Alec himself was deprived of the roof over their heads and tried to shoot.

Saved by the leaders of the Red Brigade, Mason could not stay away. He got involved in a partisan war and very soon became famous among the inhabitants of Mars. Not because there were posters with his photograph and the signature of “Seeking” on every corner, but thanks to his extensive activity ..

Partisan life

What does it mean to be a partisan? Stay in the shade and at the same time be in sight, regularly arrange sorties into enemy territory, help civilians, supplying them with medicines and a roof over their heads, fight for ideals and peace all over the world. But the main goal of any partisan self -respecting is the liberation of his home from invaders.

All this is engaged in Alec. He and his comrades must free six residential (and not so) sectors of Mars from the yoke. Each area is radically different from the rest. For example, mainly miners live in a parking lot, and work is going on around the mining of the ore mining around the clock. Oasis – a residential area for average citizens, with small restaurants and cozy houses. EOS is a business center of the Martian colony, in which earthlings concentrated their forces and built many monuments. Well, barren lands are far from the most pleasant place for a picnic, because there you can easily become the prey of looters – mysterious and warlike people.

In each sector, the Red Brigade has a shelter, or even two at once. Every peaceful resident and member of the organization can count on help, shelter, as well as replenishment of ammunition. If desired at the headquarters, you can even get a new type of weapon or armored car.

The leaders of the opposition are trying to enlist the support of a simple working people and raise his morale spirit. They constantly release political prisoners, supply prisons with medicines, and small detachments arrange raids on strategically important buildings. The main goal is usually not robbery at all, but applying as much damage as possible and killing soldiers. Blood for blood, eye for eye.

Quite often, members of the Red Brigade rob the escort of earthlings. They blow up enemy equipment and steal cars with a valuable load. Sometimes for the sake of this, revolutionaries climb into the depths of the military bases of the Union, where cars are stealing directly from under the nose of the arrogant soldiers.

Without casualties, of course, does not do. In response to the actions of the revolutionaries, the CAS arrange mass repressions, introduce a commandant hour and mock the inhabitants in every possible way. In the end, this organization has a solid advantage, and it uses this. In such conditions, it is difficult for many to remain faithful to their ideals and continue the struggle, which will not end in any way. They are gradually being carried out for propaganda and agitation of Soz, and as a result they come to one of the headquarters and pass the combat comrades. The struggle against Rats is another permanent occupation of the Red Brigade. And there is no mercy.

Some brave partisans penetrate the camp of enemy under the guise of volunteers. The life of a double agent is not simple, but it has its fruits: informants regularly report couriers with securities or drawings of secret weapons. Interpatreting important information is like getting a step to the long -awaited victory.

Gradually, the inhabitants of one or another sector rises the fighting spirit. More and more people are enrolled in the underground organization to give battle to the invaders and drive them out of their area. Fierce battles do not stop for a minute, two new partisan replaces one deceased partisan. For the revolution! For victory! For Mars!

With a sledgehammer at the ready

Alec Alec Alec. Like it or not, but for the sake of great goals you need to go to great sacrifices. Yes, and you can fight the SAZ soldiers endlessly – the number of recruits will still not decrease. Therefore, you need to beat for sure, according to the most important objects, whether it be barracks, a huge garage of military equipment, an airfield with fighters or a bridge, along which dozens of enemy armored personnel carriers regularly pass.

What to do with it all? Yes to blow up to a damn mother! Either to destroy, or break, or break – how you wish. At the disposal of Alec an impressive arsenal who truly unties his hands. If you want, you can lay a bomb in the building, run away to a safe distance and activate the detonator. If you want, blow up the supports of the bridge, and it will collapse on the heads of opponents. You can bring down the roof of your own headquarters on them or put a mine on the road and wait for the patrol car to approach it – that is the fireworks!

Each building collapses completely differently, moreover, the majority vary in weaknesses. You are free to choose any tactics, depending on the situation. You can even refuse weapons in favor of jeeps, armored personnel carriers, trucks and robots (you didn’t think that Alec was moving along Mars for his two?). All of them are able to smash the brick building in a collision.

Destruction looks so impressive that you want, sorry, to destroy more and more! For example, Myson is able to hold out for twenty to thirty minutes in a heavy stilt-a robot, which was originally intended for the mining industry. During this time, half the sector can be equal to the number of interrupted soldiers and equipment, we don’t even talk. And most importantly, all destruction remain in the game until the very end. You can accidentally decorate the wall of one of the shelters of the Red Brigade with a dent, and it will not go anywhere even after five to six hours. What can we say about the demolished bases and factories!

Demons of barren lands

Demons of the Badlands – an addition to Red Faction: Guerrilla. It is available in the American and European versions of the games, but for some reason Akella cut it out. Perhaps to let him into a “gold edition” or publish it with a separate disk.

The addition is about the events that occurred on Mars three years before the arrival of Alek Mason. We play for his fighting girlfriend Samia, which was then still part of the Marauders tribe. The plot talks about why she left her and entered the Red Brigade, and also clarifies the origin of the warlike people.

The campaign is held in about an hour. It includes three plot missions and new additional tasks. There was also a place for new samples of weapons, from deadly, unsurpassed in the close battle of a halberd to a grenade launcher, shooting three homing charges at once.

Only the sector of barren land at our disposal is at our disposal, but there is more than enough it. Without unnecessary modesty, we note that the atmosphere of addition is much better than the original. Dark, gray and red tones, constant skirmishes on the streets, self -sacrifice of looters, a grand ending … If it succeeds, be sure to try on the skin of the Samia – you will like it, we give a guarantee.

Fast revolution

Of course, no one will give a run to Mars with a sledgehammer at the ready Alec. Earthlings quickly react to violation of order and send soldiers to resolve the situation. Following them are pulled up by an armored personnel carrier, tanks and fighters. As a result, half of the army was chasing Mason and tries in vain to break the fighting spirit of an engineer.

Why doesn’t they succeed? Perhaps the fault of this is the stupidity of the army. You rarely meet opponents who will act harmoniously in the team, will be able to surround or what the muck to do. Most often you have to deal with amateurs who shout: “You are arrested!" – and at the same time actively somersault. To get along a running target for them a colossal problem – even machine gunners standing behind powerful turrets can not cope. It is hard only with snipers, and they are easy to calculate, but frightening fighters shoot anywhere, but not by Alec.

Developers probably were too carried away by the creation of a system of destruction and atmosphere, the surrounding of the captured Mars. That is why a rather impressive territory seems uninhabited, and a single campaign is so short that it is calm in five to six hours at the highest level of complexity.

Then, of course, you can play further by completing numerous tasks of the Red Brigade, but it soon bothers. As a result, only the multi -user regime remains, which is operating with the physical engine. Eight types of competitions are practically no different from ordinary network battle, but they are captivated by an abundance of weapons, cards and capabilities. Well, where else do you overturn the ceiling on the enemy’s head or smash the level into small pieces?

Actually, the main feature of Red Faction: Guerrilla in a sense has become one of its problems. No, we are not saying anything about graphics, physics and the like. We do not stutter about the average game of actors in the English version (for once our eyelids have outplayed foreign colleagues). Just Volition was worth spending a little more time on plot missions, revive Mars and diversify its landscapes. Then a new masterpiece would have appeared before us, and so-a spectacular, enchanting, but still just a successful sample of the genre. They will recall him for a long time as a revolution in the game world and in the field of destruction, but also by Alec Mason, and his team will go into the abyss of obscurity.

Verdict: One of those rare cases when the third part of the series is on the head better than the previous two combined together. The game was not enough for the title of “masterpiece”, but she spent the planned revolution simply brilliantly.



Red Faction is, of course, not Batman and not Dragon Age with their deep, thought out the main and secondary heroes, however, it is impossible to do without a couple of words about the main characters. We will not even talk about generals of the Union of Defense of the Earth – this is a regular handful of ambitious and played villains, but members of the Red Brigade deserve the most close attention.

Dan Mason

Brother of the protagonist and the reason for all his troubles. Dan flew to Mars just a year ago to get a good high -paid job. Like many others, he believed that he would finally find a place that could be called home.

But the miracle did not happen, and very soon the guy took off the pink glasses. He understood who is behind everything that is going on on Mars, calculated the organizations that supported the CA, and decided to make all his strength to end the dictatorship. So Dan was in the Red Brigade, where he soon began to work his shoulder to the shoulder with its ideological leaders and train new recruits. He taught them what he knew best was to blow up buildings.

Actually, on one of the objects the guy came across a patrol of earthlings. Following a short conversation was followed by a machine -gun queue, and the soldiers went home. For their misfortune, they did not kill the witness of what happened – brother Dan.

Alec Mason

The main character Red Faction: Guerrilla. For a long time he wandered around the ground in search of a suitable work and a cozy place where he could settle. But fate brought him to Mars, where on the very first day Alec tried to kill and deprived him of a little that he had.

Moving more likely the desire to take revenge, and not change the world for the better, Mason began cooperation with a red brigade, where he showed all his talents of an engineer and a demolition. Cynical and straightforward, Alec soon became the support and main hope of revolutionaries.


A pretty blonde is harmless only at first glance. All his life he and his sister lived on Mars. Orphans brought up mechanics, engineers and miners. Soon the sister of the Samia, yours, became the leader of the warlike tribe of the looters, the girl herself – her right hand.

Unable to withstand the cruelty and uncompromisingness of her sister, the Samonia left his father’s house and went to the camp of the Red Brigade. She never spread about her biography and managed to break through to the top of the organization. Its main tasks are operations planning and the construction of weapons, and it can do this best of all.


Forever peppy and cheerful, Jenkins is one of the worst offs of the Earth's Defense Union. Talented auto mechanic – an expert in everything related to cars. He modified the transport of looters, installing a thick layer of armor, rocket launcher and machine gun on it.

In this “carriage”, Jenkins drives throughout Mars, destroying solitary buildings and whole complexes. Born on the Red Planet, he does not perceive earthlings seriously and believes that they were mistaken in the address.

Battle Field – Mars

Modern Mars is a chessboard for three groups with a strong advantage of one of them. But Alek Mason is here, which means that everything will change soon. And until this happened, the alignment of forces is.


Once upon a time, in 2075, the forces of the land defense for the first time landed on Mars. The militarized organization saw in the Ultor Corporation, which subjugated the entire planet, a serious competitor.

The forces were unequal, and the ally was required. They became a revolutionary movement of the Red Brigade, whose members tried to deal with the dictatorship of the "Ultor" with their methods. Several successful operations, mutual support – and here is the long -awaited victory. What! There is absolutely nothing left of the Red Brigade, and there is no force on Mars that could challenge the rights of earthlings to a new planet.

Half a century has passed, the red planet was noticeably transformed, becoming anything, but not red. Soz is strong, controlling the colonization of the planet and equipping it at its discretion. First, sectors appeared, then patrols; Class division began ..

And then the last economic crisis broke out on Earth. This time catastrophic: the resources are simply over. All the eyes of the earthly government rushed to Mars and that controls it. Under these conditions of monopoly, earthlings could not do anything how to dictate their rules, and the sixth planet was to put pressure on the corporation. It was economically the most serious achievement in the history of mankind.

Gradually, the Union of Defense of the Earth introduced the dictatorship. They forgot about democracy for a long time and, it seems, forever. The mining of the ore is controlled by the soldiers armed to the teeth, a bunch of checkpoints, the ground and airspace are invariably patrolled on the roads. The commandant's hour has been introduced, civilians walk along the string, and those who risk disobeying go to bars. Or in the consumption – here is how lucky.

Red brigade

In fact, after the destruction of the "Ultor", the Red Brigade broke up. The revolution ended, and the surviving figures unexpectedly found that their catastrophically few. But they did not grieve, because Mars won freedom.

We passed the long fifty years, I invaded all spheres of the life of the colonists. And the miners suddenly realized that they were personally chased themselves in shackles. The forces of several leaders of the Red Brigade managed to form. But, besides talented anarchists, there was nothing to boast of the organization. With the weapon of the problem, the population is difficult to contact ..

It took a lot of time to seriously declare yourself and show Mars that hope is still alive, that you can fight and, if you are lucky, even win this unequal war. More and more people began to adjoin the red brigade. A real hunt began behind them, but this only flared up the proletarians. Sabotage, fierce contractions in the sectors, breakdowns of rallies and much more began, for which the members of the Red Brigade signed a death sentence.


This is a new and unknown force on the planet. With the colonization of Mars and the opportunity to be on the surface without a spacesuit, some of the people left the inhabited places. Where? For what? There is no accurate answer to these questions.

But they are called marauders not for a red word. Small armed groups constantly attack the colony, and even ".

The main goal of looters is weapons. They have practically no their own, so you have to steal and take it away by force. The fighting people appear from nowhere and disappears nowhere. It is only known that he lives somewhere in barren lands, but no one risks to check whether rumors are true: it is more expensive for himself.

Perhaps the looters originate in the remnants of the Red Brigade. There is no accurate confirmation of this, but they successfully use the missing relics from the nanolaboratory, which existed on Mars just during the active activity of the Red Brigade. And the last, who was holding these artifacts in their hands, were just revolutionaries.

There are a lot of strange marauders in the very existence of looters. For example, as a group of people who broke away from society, turned into a half -finge tribe for half a century? And how they manage to use high technologies in this case? Why are they attacking all the colonists, not making differences between the forces of the CA and ordinary miners? What are the goals? Nobody knows this.

Big Martian guns

Partisans without weapons – and not partisans at all. So, Shakhtar. Constant skirmishes with the forces of the Soz, of course, can replenish the stocks of trunks and cartridges, but this is not enough. The Red Faction: Guerrilla combat system is built on the constant need for choice. Our foreman-Stakhanovets can take with him no more than four types of weapons, and the "one" is always busy with a sledgehammer.

So it turns out that you have to constantly look back at the goals of the mission and get on the road wisely. I grabbed the wrong weapon – glued the flippers. Non -measured, but nothing but anger and irritation to one.

Conditionally, all weapons in the game can be divided into two types: stolen from the enemy and made independently. To get guns from the first group, just play, but only stolen for the benefit of the worker-shkhaters can not be done with copies.

Samania, this glorious girl, makes experienced samples of weapons from simple rubbish. Well, not simple – high -tech. True, this does not change the essence: to buy a new toy, Alec will have to fork out. Of course, there can be no question of money: on Mars in the course of scrap metal.

Using a weapon of Soz, we replenish the ammunition right on the battlefield. With the inventions of the Samia, the situation is much worse: cartridges can be obtained either in one of the shelters of the Red Brigade, or finding one of the boxes scattered by the partisans through the territory of Mars.

They are far from always filled the same. You can find a stock for everything that is with you, but the number of cartridges and mines can be completely different. It depends on the combat spirit of the population in the sector. If Alec and comrades act successfully, ordinary hard workers are penetrated by trust in the brigade, faith in a bright Martian future and care about timely filling and the number of boxes.

Weapons Soz

Gun. Basic weapon, which is equally suitable for both neighboring and long -range combat. There are few pluses, but at the beginning of the game you do not have to choose. 16 rounds in the clip, 64 in pockets – is enough. A well -aimed shooter will have no problems, except for a constantly growing number of soldiers and all the best and best armor at the enemy. In an hour of the game you will need something more serious.

Assault rifle. Second basic weapon along with a gun. Soldiers with assault rifles meet you until the very end, so when going on the road, you can always count on replenishment of ammunition. You can carry up to 120 rounds with you, 40 of which are perfectly placed in a clip. There are not enough stars from the sky, but, as expected, is distinguished by good rate of fire and a good slaughter force.

Peacemaker. Probably, every action movie has such a murder car with a “pacifying” name. "Peacemaker" fights for the world in a standard way: a bunch of fractions. He can easily become your favorite weapon, although in the end it is not too relevant.

The first plus is a large slaughter force in close and medium -sized battle (namely, this is most often faced). The second is an impressive ammunition: 72 cartridges of 12 in a clip. There is no need to recharge often, and enemies die from one or two hits. And only uselessness at distant distances can scare away lovers to care.

Equalizer. And this is a more interesting example: a rifle with self -assembled cartridges. Of course, she will not do all the work for you, but you don’t need to aim, just indicate the direction of shooting. In the later stages, this helps a lot, because landfills with defenders of the CAS become truly massive. It is not very convenient to grab individual goals in the turmoil, so the “equalizer” noticeably facilitates negotiations.

True, there are also minuses. Not a very large ammunition (128 rounds, 32 in the clip), and most importantly – the bullets reacting to heat are greatly lost in the deadline in long -range battle.

Gaussian rifle. At first, it is used only as stationary installations on light mobile technique, but later it lies perfectly in hand. This weapon is powerful enough to not only eliminate enemies, but also destroy the walls with repeated hit. Therefore, with such a rifle you should be neat: what if the barrels with explosives are behind the wall? Civilian will die, and the fighting spirit will fall. But in general – an excellent barrel for restoring order! What is important: shoots single, so that a stock of 72 rounds is more than sufficient for a long shootout, and a clip of 18 charges only contributes to this.

Sniper rifle. Appears simultaneously with the previous weapon and is most often in the hands of heavy infantrymen. Honestly, it is not easy to use it. Not in terms of inconvenience, but because of inappropriateness. The fact is that only felling into the head, and in the turmoil that is happening in the later stages of the game, there is absolutely no time to stop and aim with serious slaughterhouse.

As a result, an excellent weapon disappears in the weapon cabinet. Yes, and the supply of cartridges is small – only twenty, four in the mug. However, beware of this rifle: some opponents may well afford to get aside and slowly aim at Alec's head.

Bolter. Something like an advanced sniper rifle, only instead of a conventional sight-X-ray, which allows you to look through the walls and stains all enemies in red, and instead of ordinary cartridges-energy clots of enormous power. Any enemy can easily be killed with one shot, which makes the Bolter one of the most terrible and dangerous trunks in the game.

Singular bombs. A bright contender for the title of the most unusual type of weapon. Singular bombs are outwardly similar to mines, but if you put one on the road, it’s better to run, and far away, because in a couple of seconds a giant funnel is formed around, which will drag out literally everything and everything. And a few seconds later an explosion will be heard, and everything that was in the center of the funnel will fly around the district.

Ideal for a large number of enemies, as well as for a very entertaining demolition of buildings.

Weapons of the Red Brigade

The main difference between the amateur performances and the factory samples of earthly weapons, not only in unique properties. The plus is that the girl never sits back. You only carry it with wagons, and she will definitely figure out how to improve her invention.

We will not give the cost of buying weapons itself, as well as its improvements: it varies for each level of complexity. But rarely, it costs cheaper than 300 units, and improvements are most often cost and more expensive.

Sledgehammer. Symbol of the Martian proletariat. A real miner and partisans will always find him application. The first, basic, is destruction. NAS ended bombs or just want to demolish the building on my own? A sequenced handle seemed to be created for such fun. Finding something, not subject to sledgehammer, is almost impossible. This is either the main supporting structures of a high -rise building, or mountains. Everything else is scattered into two accounts, you just want to.

The second is quiet murders. This weapon does not require reloading, it is always with you, it kills from one blow. Not every barrel boasts such a slaughter force! But this is not the limit – perform partisan missions, and you will be happy. That is, a new sledgehammer. Even two. The latter, however, is more reminiscent of a well -sharpened chirka and leaves behind the puddles of blood, but nothing.

In addition, the demonstration of weapons is evaluated by the soldiers of the Soz as aggression, and they instantly open fire. And with a sledgehammer in your hands you can walk right on their base – and nothing. Just think, Shakhtar wandered.

Remote charges. The second and often the main method of demolition of buildings. The peculiarity of distance charges that can be arranged by a series of explosions. In what sequence do you set the charges, in such they will explode.

Of course, every self -respecting demolition of the initial parameters will be incredibly enough. And we really have a little: you can take only 18 charges with us, and use only two at the same time. The wide soul of Martian does not walk! Perhaps that is why distance charges are an absolute champion in the number of improvements. And how many bloody scrap will pull out of our pockets!

One improvement will allow us to take up to thirty charges at once. The second is to install up to nine charges at a time. Not enough building can endure such a number of explosions and resist!

But bombs can be used not only for demolition, but also as grenades. By the way, a great way to deal with the passing patrol Soz. For gourmets – fun. Throw a charge and get a soldier exactly. The appearance of the infantryman in this way is very amused by our partisan essence!

Welding apparatus. Very unusual weapon, similar to Tesla's gun from Wolfenstein. The principle of action is the same: everyone who is nearby beats with a powerful charge of electricity. The inability to get into a target at a long distance is compensated by an interesting feature: the welding machine can hook several goals at the same time, even if some of them are in the car!

Let's say it is quite difficult to resist the tank. But you can carefully fry the team and take possession of a dangerous transport. Improvements only contribute to this. The initial ammunition of 200 units increases to three hundred (50 in the clip), the installation of the third circuit further increases the number of victims, and a special module will force the weapon to shoot exclusively at enemies, without touching civilians.

Rocket launcher. By itself – quite ordinary weapons, for nine missiles, two in the trunk. It is equally well suited both for the demolition of buildings and for light and spectacular elimination of enemy equipment.

The real gun of the demolition becomes a real tool after three improvements. The first allows you to "accumulate" a charge for a simultaneous shot of three missiles at once. The second increases the supply of shells to 18. And the third rules the brains, forcing them to be at the heat.

Nanovyntovka. A special plot weapon. One of the tasks leads our hero deep into the abandoned, settled by looters of the earth. In the dilapidated complex, we find the so -called nano -ski.

The clever man of the Samonia has a little obvious over the device and built it into the only experimental sample of the rifle, especially for Alec. And the device for reading the genetic code provided so that no one except their two would take advantage.

The rifle looks quite usually, but it shoots not with bullets, but by Nanites. Nanits in an instant "eat" the object of hit. Depending on the strength, several shots may be required (for example, for a heavy tank), but in most cases it kills from one hit. The enemy simply disappears before your eyes.

With equal success, you can also use buildings against buildings, but, frankly, there are many faster and effective ways. Yes, and the supply of nanites is not so great: at 15 shots, five in the clip. There are also improvements. This is an increase in the store to thirty shots, as well as strengthening damage against people and equipment.

Perhaps it is best to use a nado in the fight against air flyers Soz: get into one wing, it will disappear, and after a second the fighter will crash into the nearest rock or fall near Alec.

Discomet. How we love all these shooting wheels and blades! If you want to quickly and tastefully deal with a soldier? Show it twice!

The discom shoots with rotating jagged discs, and that is what it says. 21 disk in stock, 7 in the store. The main advantage: does not require a repeated shot at the same goal. And if there are not many of them, and the equipment does not bother, then there will be no equal weapons.

For the discomet, the Samonia has prepared three improvements. This is a decrease in reloading time, an increase in ammunition to 35 disks, as well as a new type of disks that explode when it hits. After this improvement of Alec, it is quite possible to release against the tank.

Mines with a motion sensor. This is a special type of contact mines, intended mainly for various sabotage. One of the best ways to stop the convoy. Just lay mines on the path, and as soon as a person approaches them, boom! It doesn’t matter if he is in the car or on his two. It is only important how many min will explode at the same time.

If desired, you can use the building, but then you need to look for a detonator. For example, one remote charge. The initial number of mines transferred with it – 8, but will improve to 16. It is easy to calculate that in conjunction with remote charges, the amount of explosives will be 28 units. Not only Mars trembles from such an explosion, but also the earth.

Another improvement is “smart” mines, only work on the enemy. Very useful: you do not want to disrupt (literally!) a carefully prepared operation due to the fault of some passerby?!

Thermobaric rocket launcher. Even one shot is able to completely destroy a medium -sized building, there is nothing to say about equipment! The thermobaric missileist is so powerful that only one improvement is available to it – an increase in ammunition to eight charges. And this is more than enough to arrange a small armoredon!

In their free time

Did you really think that fragile samia is able to create only a terrible weapon?! In principle, we thought correctly. But she is also able to facilitate the life of Alec other inventions:

  • Metalloma collector. Everything is just finishing: this is a special device that allows you to assemble scrap without leaving the car. It is very convenient if you often crash: after an inaccurate driving, whole reserves of a precious resource remain, and leave the car laziness. Or there is little time.
  • Ore impurities. After buying this improvement, Alec skills will increase: it will receive 12 scrap units from each area of ​​ore (against the previous 10 units).
  • Armor of the first level. The first armor allows you to feel much more comfortable in shootouts. It does not neutralize a lot of damage, but anyway is better than nothing.
  • Manpower detector. The detector invented by Samania displays all soldiers on a mini-card. Simple and convenient.
  • Partisan express. You were painfully too lazy to waste time every time you wanted to return to the secret shelter of the Red Brigade? Do not like long romantic walks around Mars? We, too, to be honest. Therefore, they were happy to take the opportunity to instantly move to any base. Time is money. That is, time – scrap!
  • Jet engine on the satchel behind the back. Makes it possible to feel like a bird for a while. Do not fly high, but now Alec is not afraid of any abysses: before the landing moment you just need to activate the satchel.

For this device, one improvement is also available. It reduces the time of reloading the engine, which means that we can move through the air much more often.

  • Second -level armor. With this improvement, Mason can almost wind circles in front of enemy technology. True, you still can’t say it against the tank or the Gaussian rifle, but the infantry is now not a problem.


Fight for the rights and freedom of Martians with a rifle in his hands and a foolish in the head – a gub room. It is much easier when a powerful armored car hung with deadly cannons in the garage is in the garage. Or, say, a combat robot that will easily destroy all enemy troops within a radius of two kilometers.

The partisans cannot boast of either one and the other: the lack of financial support and the machine -building factory affects. The Red Brigade, of course, has several trucks with machine guns and turrets, but they are not comparing with the Soz technique, which often has to be stolen.

Standard transport

A small armored jeep, outwardly very similar to the first Hammer. In such soldiers of the Union I patrol Mars. They go quickly and carelessly, and when a collision with someone instantly open fire, even if the accidents themselves became the culprits.

No more than two people are usually placed in this car: one at the wheel, the other on the turrets. To cope with the driver is not a problem, it is much more important to remove the shooter, because in a matter of seconds he can send Alec to the other world. Well, then sit down behind the steering wheel – and go!

They must warn, standard transport is suitable exclusively for driving-raising the buildings for them is quite stupid due to low strength. But if you need to quickly retire, this is it.

Note: If you have this car, you can cope with the driver and shooter in one fell swoop: hit a couple of times with a sledgehammer on the body, and the car will explode. And shots from the Gaussian rifle can be turned to one side.

Heavy transport

Armored personnel carriers and supply trucks are heavy and dangerous targets. Firstly, because they are often equipped with large-caliber guns. Secondly, due to the fact that soldiers are transporting. Many soldiers. Want to get an armored personnel carrier? Get out first with a living load.

This is the easiest to do this if you approach the back and wait until the troops start to get out of the car. The welding machine will help to quickly cope with everyone, and in a minute you will control the new, respecting car.

Not to say that the armored personnel carrier drives quickly, but it is equipped with strong armor and good weapon. And yes, it is great for the demolition of buildings: just get into the construction at speed, and there will be practically nothing left of it.


The real application of the CAS for winning the war. The tanks are armed with missiles or energy weapons, as well as machine -gun turrets, which makes them equally suitable for both long and close combat. To smoke a crew from this “monster” is problematic, but still real – largely thanks to the welding machine.

Note: Turn to the tank in the frontal may seem as unbearable stupidity as much as you like, nevertheless on Mars – this is the best tactics of victory. Run around the combat vehicle in a spiral, gradually approaching close – the crew is unlikely to be able to get into you. Then arm yourself with either a rocket launcher, or by nanimation, or remote charges and show the CAST who is a real harsh man here.

Another good way to deal with the tank is to minimize the road, and better the bridge. One min, of course, will not be enough, but three or four will cope with the task perfectly.

Once inside, Alec can at least turn the mountains. Literally. Any car crashed into a tank instantly explodes (hello, gta!), and the buildings collapse from the collision, like card houses. It is a pity that you cannot drive this miracle into the shelter of the Red Brigade.

Combat stilt

This robot was created rather for industrial purposes than for large -scale battles. Nevertheless, it is well suited for this, being armed with two rocket launchers. The average armor allows you to hold out in battle for a long time, but it is the reason for the slowness and slowness of the storm.

During the passage of the main storyline, such a robot occurs three to four times, but quite often comes across additional tasks.

Easy stilt

In size practically does not differ from the previous. A light walker is created to extract ore in the EOS mountains, so it has no problem with maneuverability. Moreover, this robot is equipped with a jump mechanism, which makes it fast, and most importantly, allows you to climb higher.

Light walker is not hung with a weapon – it hits only with "hands". Can both apply crushing blows and throw enemies into the air. It will not last long in battle, but he will probably have time to become a favorite of the public. Great for battles against standard and heavy transport, but an attempt to destroy the building can only be detrimental.

Heavy walker

The best murder car. If Alec man manages to capture a heavy stilt, you can safely go on the attack, not afraid of anything. Created for mining work, this robot is able to demolish almost any building with one blow. It is not necessary to even beat – you can just accelerate and fly into the wall, this will be enough. In this situation, transport has not a single chance, tanks and they scatter into small pieces.

Thanks to heavy armor, the stilt can fight without stopping for up to twenty minutes. This is more than enough to free one of the sectors of Mars. The only problem is slowness, the robot is still very difficult.

Tasks of the Red Brigade

A single campaign is held in a maximum in five hours, but you can spend all ten on additional tasks. Probably, by their number, Red Faction: Guerrilla came close to the Grand Theft Auto series games. Well, let's talk about a hard partisan work.

Lead rain

While the command is turning some kind of archive operation, Alec must divert the attention of the Soz, that is, to work with a bait. In order to somehow equalize the chances, he is given one of the robots and they say how many people (or combat vehicles) need to be destroyed while the Red Brigade steals the documents, saves prisoners or transports medicines.

Problems may arise when you have a slight stilt and around – dozens of well -armed soldiers. No matter how solid the Alec sitting in the robot seemed, he can’t stretch for a long time. To defeat, you need to hide in a corner and wait until the enemy reinforcements on the armored personnel carrier. Hit the car and hide again. This is a win -win tactics.


Alec task is quite simple – over a certain time, transport the car from one place to another. It sounds, of course, simple, but often the required car costs straight on the basis of SAS and is well guarded, which means that you will have to drive under the roar of machine -gun bursts and tearing shells.

But this is not the only problem. It is much worse that you need to drive the car not to the nearest refuge of the Red Brigade, but to the one that the authorities will indicate. And it can be in the next sector, if not further. At the same time, the guiding arrow shows kinship with it from Fuel, indicating far from the best way. So we advise you to choose the road on your own, then you will surely become within the time.

Partisan raid

What partisans do not like to attack a strategically important enemy building? So Martian figures often do this, so be sure to take with you a powerful rifle and rocket launcher. For what?

There are two conditions of victory: either equalize the indicated structure with the ground, or kill all the Soz in the district. The second option takes much more time, so we recommend that you focus on the explosion of the building.

The attack is

In fact, the same as a partisan raid, only the factions change places: the soldiers of earthlings attack civilians and try to kill everyone to one. Alec's goal is to destroy enemies. Problems, in principle, should not arise, except that you can accidentally run out of the area of ​​action.

Concomitant damage

Alec works in tandem with a driver Jenkins. While he twists the steering wheel, our task is to inflict the Soz as much damage as possible (the required amount is indicated). It is necessary to destroy buildings, towers, factories, campaign stands and the transport of the Union. Most important goals are marked with reddish markers, but are ready to argue, you will not be able to destroy them all.

What to do? Focus on large cans with chemicals and combat flyers of Soz – both are very appreciated. Also do not forget to get rid of the tail and the soldiers – glasses are charged for each of them.


Often, Alec needs to intercept the traitor, who is lucky to the headquarters of the earthlings, a list of names of members of the Red Brigade, and sometimes you have to steal important information from the couriers, whether it is drawings of weapons or something else. Let's just say, this is not easy.

The route can be recognized through the satellite, but if you get too close to the goal, the enemy will go and begin to loop so much that you are behind him and do not steal. There are two options for victory: either arrange an ambush on the road, laying a mine and hiding in the bushes, or cut at full speed in a car courier, and then shoot it. I ideally get out of your car and run the rocket.

The headquarters of the CAM instantly find out about the daring sabotage, and the level of anxiety will grow to the extremely possible. It is difficult to transfer data to the signalmen with tanks and fighters on the tail, so they demand from Alec to hide and wait out the danger. It is almost unrealistic to do this, but there was a tricky way out of the situation: just get to the nearest refuge, and there was no anxiety as it happened.


A mixture of "interception" and "carrier". Connected red brigade reports that the convoy is moving to a certain sector. Something very important is transported, and if it were possible to capture or destroy it, it would be very good.

Alec receives the route "Caravan" and a murder license. By the middle of the game, the convoy can be impressive and well armed, but the “lobe” method acts without fail: it is enough to ram one of the cars so that everyone else is attacked to a harmless engineer. You don’t even have to chase them – and so everyone will go on the attack and will come under the blow.

Well, after interrupting the entire security, you can easily capture transport and deliver it to the destination. The distilled car most often turns out to be slow, but armored, so there should not be problems on the road. And no one puts the time frame.

Home arrests

The soldiers of the Soz do not hesitate to arrest people for anything about anything. Nobody sends prisoners to prison: they are kept in ordinary houses that are very well guarded.

Friends, family members or other revolutionaries ask Alec for help. To fight off the guard and free the hostages – a trifle business. It is much more difficult to deliver them to the shelter intact and safety. Before going to business, look how many need to be saved, and depending on this, select the transport. It is better if it is a armored personnel carrier. Когда бывшие заключенные окажутся на свободе, быстро ведите их к машине и направляйтесь в убежище.


The most common and at the same time heavy type of assignment. On Mars is full of buildings in need of demolition. For this you need an experienced engineer who has already managed such a process more than once. Someone like Alek Mason.

You are given a goal that needs to be destroyed, and a certain weapon that will help you in this. If you're lucky, get a heavy walker and not that you will meet the deadlines, but set a new record. And if not … How do you like the task to demolish the tower with one barrel and a gun with three cartridges? Or please blow up the house on the other end of the abyss with a sledgehammer and eight barrels? Sounds absurd, but a little spatial thinking, and the problem will be solved.



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